Public health profession

Public health is an extremely important specialty, which is aimed at ensuring the life of society in the conditions of the current ecological situation. The profession is extremely promising and based on the latest achievements of world medicine. The development of innovative technologies such as genetic engineering, biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, molecular biology, early diagnosis of diseases in the early stages, the creation of implants, artificial limbs and organs can open new horizons in the field of public health. There are prospects for creating artificial intelligence, which will help online counseling patients with a high degree of reliability. In accordance with such a splash of innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment, there is a high demand in the world for specialists in this field.

Such specialists should have skills in health promotion, formulation and solving urgent problems in the field of public life and health.

Description of the profession

Healthcare facilities in the conditions of continuous introduction of innovative technologies require skilled workers who not only understand the field of medicine but also have knowledge about the latest approaches of resolution of the bitter issues. A public health specialist should be able to analyze the state of physical and mental health of an individual, a group of people and the population of the whole country. This is a person who promotes a healthy lifestyle, environmental protection, monitors the environmental situation, prevents injuries at work, during studying and rest.

It is important for a specialist in this sphere to promote a caring attitude to the environment, to lead an active lifestyle. Communication skills, the ability to systematize and analyze information, understand illnesses and symptoms, act in emergency situations and make quick decisions are also important.

Prospects for employment

A public health specialist can work not only in health care. Among the possible professions are the following:

  • Assistant at a medical institution;
  • Specialist in hygiene;
  • At enterprises, organizations and institutions as an assistant manager;
  • Social worker;
  • Consultant who deals with epidemiology;
  • Specialist in health education and work adaptation;
  • Instructor for physical training and rehabilitation;
  • Assistant rehab;
  • Specialist in inclusive education;
  • Tutor for working with children with special needs;
  • Valeologist;
  • Exterminator;
  • Medical insurance specialist;
  • Expert on environmental and technological issues;
  • Inspector of chemical and radiation protection;
  • Teacher of health care.


A public health specialist has deep knowledge in the field of public health and will perform the following duties, depending on the present position :

  • Assessment of the health of an individual, a group of people, a team, a social group and society, depending on circumstances and conditions of life;
  • Monitoring and responding to various hazards for the health of society, especially in extraordinary situations;
  • Protection of the environment, conditions of studying and work, control of food products, methods of rest;
  • Development of methods and events for the protection of public health in the country, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Analysis of physical and mental health;
  • Conducting preventive events of health care;
  • Conducting measures to avoid injuries, outbreaks of infections;
  • Legal support, counseling, management and the economic aspect of healthcare;
  • Establishing communication in society on health and environment issues.

How to become a public health specialist

The profession has distinct features from the work of ordinary medical careers, so education should also be relevant. There are educational specialties in the Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions in the areas of «Public Health», «Health care», «Epidemiology and Biostatistics», «Health Promotion» at the Bachelor’s and Master’s level.

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