Top 10 professions that have the highest salaries

Most school leavers have already chosen the professions and specialties they will study in the future. But there is also a large percentage of those who can not decide to the last, or change their preferences due to certain circumstances. When choosing a future profession, young people take into account not only the talent and inclination to work in a particular field, but also such a factor as future wages. It is necessary to understand whether the chosen profession will be able to bring the desired income not only in 10 years, but also in 15-20.

We offer you to view our TOP-10 professions that are considered the highest paid in the world. Of course, the level of wages will vary in the capital and in the regions, but we have compiled a rating of such vacancies that will bring their owners maximum earnings. So, let’s take a closer look at which specialists and what salaries will be paid in 2020.

IT specialists

The profession of software developer is considered the most promising in the last few years. After all, today almost every organization, firm or company needs the services of a qualified IT specialist. Especially when you take into account that the whole business is gradually moving into the sphere of the Internet. Unlike surgeons or dentists, IT professionals do not need to study for 10 years. And the salary is much higher than doctors.

If a software specialist regularly raises his / her qualification through training, the salary can reach $ 5,000 per month, and for the year this amount reaches a record value of $ 60,000 . In general, novice IT professionals receive from $ 900 a month, and increase their salaries every year.

Again, the highest salaries are paid to IT professionals in America. But in this country there is a huge demand for them, hence the high fees.

The amount of the fee also varies, depending on the type of work. Computer system architects receive the highest salaries. But HTML coders and testers receive relatively the lowest salaries in the industry.

Financiers and bankers

The ability to work properly with money is highly valued in today’s labor market. Financiers are responsible for the correctness of financial transactions within the banking institution, enterprise and between them.

The amount of salary usually depends on the qualifications of the employee, the level of responsibility and the size of the company where the specialist works.

The salary of a finance specialist abroad for a year is 68-74 thousand dollars. But in addition to the fee, financiers receive a cozy and quiet office. Financiers have a great responsibility. That is why skilled workers who have proven themselves, claim high salaries.

Marketing specialists

Employees in this area are responsible for promoting the goods and services of the company they work for. Candidates with relevant profile education and work experience are being sought for the position of chief marketer. A great advantage in this area is also programming skills.

Marketers are looking for ways and markets for services and goods. And there are many such sites nowadays. The marketers can count on fees of up to $ 35 000 a year.

PR specialists who work with foreign companies receive an average of 130-150 thousand dollars a year. The highest salaries are for marketers in Australia and the United States.

Decent salaries are offered to marketing directors, followed by SMM specialists. Assistants and PR promotion managers receive a relatively small fee.


A dentist is an expensive profession in the field of medicine. All people have teeth, but not everyone manages to save them from various diseases, so you have to turn to specialists. Fortunately, advances in dentistry have made it possible to easily solve almost all dental problems, even their complete absence. But with the development of this industry, prices for the services of specialists have risen. Demand for this profession is always relevant, especially considering that dentists receive considerable sums. If the dentist is really qualified, his salary in a private clinic for a year is from $3500 to $32000 (depending on the profile and qualifications). Accordingly, dental surgeons, orthodontists, and orthopedists have the highest salaries due to the specifics of their work.

The profession of dentist as well as surgeon will be relevant and in demand for many years to come. After all, robotic systems will not be able to replace such specialists. And people get sick more and more every year, so there will always be a job for such specialists.

As with surgeons, the wealthiest are the dentists who live and work in the United States – they receive about 190-210 thousand dollars.

Senior manager

This profession has several areas: CEO, manager, senior manager, TOP Manager. The profession is very responsible and has a fairly large list of functional responsibilities. The success of the enterprise, its development and prosperity depend on the high qualification of the head, on his professionalism. Such people are constantly on the move, planning, controlling, managing and engaged in development. Every firm strives to have the most qualified leader who works for results. Such work has a decent pay. Large and small companies abroad provide really high salaries to their managers – from 170 thousand to 250 thousand per year. And this is without taking into account the various bonuses that the manager receives directly from senior management and the company. Managers of well-known brands can be paid even millions of salaries – they can afford it.

The amount of salary also differs slightly depending on the industry in which the company operates. The most profitable will be the position of general manager in a sales company. In second place in terms of salary is marketing. Directors in administrative and financial companies rank third and fourth, respectively.

In the fifth place are the position of director, branch manager, franchise manager and store director. Such specialists also get bonuses and  their size depends on the experience of the employee.

Database administrator

Another area of ​​activity that no one guessed a few years ago, but now it is one of the most important specialists. This person has a great responsibility, because he monitors the security of the functionality of the database of the enterprise, ensures its update, design, implementation, maintains its integrity. Admins must have the appropriate skills to optimize, protect, and troubleshoot the problems, if there are any. Any failure of the database can have dire consequences for the company. Therefore, the work requires responsibility and high qualification.

Administrators abroad can count on a salary of 75-80 thousand dollars. The salary also  depends on the size of the company, its territorial location and the competence of the specialist.


Realtor is a dynamic, multifaceted and well-paid profession. It combines many areas of work and a true master of his craft must be a well-developed person.

A competent realtor combines an analyst who knows the market, is able to analyze the relationship between supply and demand, advises on possible issues; a psychologist who really hears clients and creates a favorable atmosphere in negotiations; a lawyer who is familiar with the law, has knowledge in the family, housing, land law, knows the procedure for concluding real estate transactions.

In addition, a good realtor is able to correctly present both the advantages and disadvantages of the objects sold. Knows all the rules and techniques of successful sales, is able to work with objections, successfully overcoming them. After the agreement with such a professional, clients will always be satisfied and will recommend him to all their acquaintances.

A realtor can earn up to 204,000 dollars per year.


Graphic designers and web developers in different countries have different fees. But the constant is that they are really big. This is a clear example of how creative people can use their potential to earn money in today’s information society.

Designers can expect a salary of up  50-70 thousand dollars per year. The rate may vary depending on the country and the specifics of the specialist.

Surgeons and anesthesiologists

It is these people who save human lives every day, practically take the hopelessly ill “out of that world” and give hope for life. But this work is very responsible and constantly checks specialists for endurance and qualification. Doctors in this field are constantly in a state of stress, which negatively affects their own health. Such difficulties are treated with understanding and respect by all.

Surgeons and anesthesiologists have the highest salaries in the United States. There is even a joke that only the president himself receives a higher salary for a surgeon. In European countries, the annual salary is about 255 thousand dollars. This is the salary of surgeons in the Netherlands. If you are lucky enough to get a good clinic, the staff is offered additional good health insurance and other benefits.

The profession of surgeon is the highest paid and one of the most popular in the world. There are skeptics who believe that in 10-15 years in operations it will be possible to completely replace humans with robots. But it is the human factor that is crucial when you need to make immediate decisions at the operating table. Therefore, really professional surgeons and anesthesiologists will be needed for a very long time.


Surprisingly, this specialty allows you to get a high salary in any field. Mechanical engineers have become the most popular today. The shortage of such specialists is especially felt in Europe and the Arabic world.

But to have high fees, you need to be a highly qualified specialist and prove your skills in practice. Having an engineering degree without the necessary practice does not guarantee anything. Real professionals will easily be able to find a job in any direction. Engineers in production are especially needed.

In the world, specialists in this field receive from 90 to 110 thousand dollars a year.

It doesn’t matter what profession you choose. It is important to love the chosen business and become a real professional. There is no need to fear that inexperienced employees will not be hired for high-paying positions. After all, everyone starts with the simplest vacancies.

Therefore you need to constantly improve your skills and not be afraid to learn something new. To get a higher salary, we recommend learning English, taking advanced training courses and becoming a true professional.

The world does not stand in one place and those professions that are relevant today may disappear in a few years. Therefore, approach the choice of future speciality thoughtfully and responsibly. We wish you success!

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