TOP-10 professions for Indians 2018

When choosing a profession an Indian student faces some challenges about where to study to gain really useful knowledge and skills that will help build prosperous life and career. India is a developing country, where an unemployment rate is quite high and salaries are rather low. Because of this, experts analyzing labor market trend point out that in the process of choosing a future field of study Indian citizens should take into consideration several factors: demographic and economic situation, quality and level of life of Indian population, development of technologies and progress in various spheres.

It should be mentioned that researchers believe that it is necessary to popularize the role of women in labor relations, work on market reorientation and growth of demand for female professions over the next decade.

In addition, world tendencies give grounds to make conclusions that technical specialists and workmen, medical workers and qualified IT personnel will soon be in the rating of top professions in all countries of the world, including India.

Based on ratings of popular publications, HR agencies and research institutes, we have prepared a list of TOP-10 popular professions that Indian students should pay most attention to.


IT sphere comes first in the list of TOP-professions of 2017. And this is not surprising, because every day technological progress penetrates into our lives becoming its inevitable part. Nowadays, qualified IT specialists are in great demand all over the world, including India. It was not until fairly recently that this sphere became so popular, and experts predict its fast moving development over the next years. Most part of Indian youth think that this is absolutely male profession, but to be honest, it suits women as well as. For example, Ada Lovelace – a famous female programmer who was writing programs for Charles Babbage and Grace Hopper.


These days, this is one of the most underpaid professions in India and other countries worldwide. Drivers have irregular working hours, take responsibility for lives of other people and are often criticized by the public. However, currently lots of efforts are being made in order to improve the quality of transport services, meaning that the demand for qualified drivers is growing. In a few years this profession will probably become well-paid and take a top place on the labor market.

Environmental expertsEnvironmental experts

This profession should definitely be qualified as a profession of the future. Indian citizens and tourists of this country have to watch environmental destruction on the streets of India, which is very disappointing. Upon evaluation of ecological situation worldwide, especially in India, it has to be said that if nothing is done to clean up the ecology in the near future, the world will drown in its own dirt. People are getting more concerned about air and water contamination, lack of resources, that’s why the demand for qualified environmental experts has began slowly but steadily growing.

Medical worker

Indian students usually go abroad to study in medical universities. A doctor – is a profession of the past, present and future. Progress in this sphere will probably never come to its peak.


Each developing country, like India needs good specialists in the sphere of law. It is difficult to imagine progressive development of the society without this profession. A good Indian lawyer will get high salaries for his/her professional approach to solving diplomatic issues.


This profession doesn’t attract Indian youth much, but it is always in demand on the labor market. There are urbanization processes all over the world, and, according to experts this tendency is expected to be progressing over the next years.

Accountant and auditor

These professions remain popular in India for many years. Qualified specialists in this sphere are always in demand in all structures, both private and state ones. The work is not difficult, but it is not going to bring much profits. The main advantage is that you can always find the job in line with the qualification.

Agricultural workerAgricultural worker

Agricultural industry – is one of the most profitable areas of activity almost in every country. It is actively developing and needs good specialists. A qualified Indian specialist can be a marketing professional or a manager of such company, but tractor operators and locksmiths are also necessary for operation of an agricultural enterprise.

Administration personnel

This area of activity will perfectly suit Indian women. An office administrator, secretary, call center operator – these professions are always in demand among Indian employers. To get an administration position you don’t have to have a higher education. It is enough to get an associate degree and have proper personal traits.

If you are interested in any of the above-mentioned TOP professions, don’t hesitate to choose these or related fields of study. Although India is not a rich country, it depends on how you introduce yourself in front of the society. If your knowledge, personal traits and values suit any of the given professions, you will definitely find your perfect workplace and get adequate salary enabling you to guarantee a comfortable life in India.

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