MBA 2018-2019 for free for Indian senior managers

MBA 2018-2019 for free for Indian senior managersMBA for free in 2018-2019 is an opportunity for Indian top managers, managers, business owners and even alumni to do their best to achieve success.

First of all, let’s figure out what MBA is and who can get this education.

Master in Business Administration (МВА) – is an international education program for people working in the sphere of management and business. After graduation from such kind of school its alumni get a qualification degree that enable them to find employment in European and American management authorities or continue working in their country, however, at a new level.

That’s why MBA became extremely popular in all countries, including India. Every year more and more Indian alumni, young specialists, top managers and even business owners go abroad to take MBA courses and continue their education.

Nowadays, MBA business schools operate almost in every developed country in the world, even in India. It is not cheap to study there, but there is an alternative – many specialist educational establishments hold competitions that enable alumni or employed managers from India to get

MBA qualification for freeMBA qualification for free.

Usually, scholarships are given for availability talent in the sphere of management, because the main goal of MBA is to improve practical skills of specialists in this field.

That’s why selection criteria among Indian top managers, managers and business owners who want to take MBA courses are not only availability of a diploma with good grades, but also work experience in the sphere of management, as well as strong motivation of a candidate.

It is worth pointing out that Indian citizens can take MBA courses online, while staying in India.

How to get admitted to MBA for free

To take part in MBA scholarship programme, a young Indian director or manager should find a proper option among hundreds of offers. Usually, grant requirements contain information about people they are intended for: employed or alumni, citizens from India or any country worldwide etc. In this case MBA studies will be financed by sponsors, which are often banks, MBA schools or leading business companies.

To study MBA for free an Indian manager will have to write a short essay about 500 words long, the purpose of which to convince the board that his/her business idea is well thought-out and necessary for the mankind.

Profession-oriented schools training MBA specialists annually hold such competitions in order to find best Indian directors, managers and help talented young Indian specialists having financial difficulties climb career ladder. Of course, they see their own perspective to attract young minds from India to work in the sphere of management in their country on a permanent basis.

Where to study MBA for freeWhere to study MBA for free

Below are examples of best world business schools and descriptions of various scholarship offers.

Chicago Booth

Chicago Booth – is one of the largest and most prestigious schools focused on training people in the sphere of business. All scholarships are given to programme participants according to the following criteria:

  • candidate’s personal achievements;
  • interview results;
  • ability to compete;
  • work experience in the sphere of business and management;
  • candidate’s purposes and ideas.

Chicago Booth Merit-Award scholarship

Annually Chicago Booth board gives scholarships to best candidates based on competition results. The board finds Indian well-motivated alumni that succeeded in studying and have work experience.

George Stigler’s scholarship

This scholarship is named after a Nobel laureate in the sphere of economics. George Stigler was one of the greatest economists of the XX century. That’s why financial support is given to post-graduate students that succeeded in the fields, where Stigler’s activity was influential, for example, business, law or economics.

Harper scholarshipsHarper scholarships

These scholarships are given to alumni that demonstrate outstanding leadership, academic and extracurricular achievements.

You can find more information about all MBA grants from Chicago Booth on the business school official web-site.


INSEAD – is a popular French business school known to every reputable businessman, because this is exactly the place where you can obtain the desired MBA qualification.

INSEAD scholarships are the most popular source of financial support among business school students. They are limited by quantity, that’s why there best of the best candidates struggle for each of them.

INSEAD scholarship for Indian citizens (IAF)

Scholarship amount – €13,000

This is a scholarship from INSEAD alumni fund, the purpose of which to support diversity of programme participants according to their nationality, race, religion and gender. The preference is given to candidates from the developed countries worldwide.

INSEAD Forte Foundation Fellowship

Scholarship amount € 10,000-15,000

This is one of scholarship types, which is given only to women. Its purpose is to attract as many women in the sphere of business as possible, including women from India. Forte candidates have to demonstrate their leaderships skills in teaching, management, organization of a team and work on projects.

More scholarships from INSEAD business schools are here.

London Business SchoolLondon Business School (LBS)

London Business School is one of three best business schools in the world. Professional speakers and teachers reveal business secrets for their audience. Thanks to scholarship offers almost any emerging businessman can become its student.

All scholarships from LBS are here.

Recommendations from

First of all, alumni and young managers from India who want to obtain MBA qualification for free, should choose a country, where they want to get education and, probable, move. It is also important to find out about expenses on food and accommodation in this country, since not every scholarship covers them.

Once you selected the country, start examining information about MBA grants and scholarships. Usually, you can find it on business school official web-sites that offer MBA studies, in “Scholarships” section or other web-sites providing combined data about all countries, like our web-site

Since there are lots of offers for Indian alumni and young managers to study business according to MBA programme, it is wise to struggle for your place in a business schools, even if you are not really confident in your victory.

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