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Education in Romania for Indian students

Qualification level:
Level of educational institution:
    1 University of Oxford
    1 University of Oxford
    Oxford, United Kingdom
    Bachelor’s Studies full-time stu­dies part-time stu­dies Ancient and Modern History Ancient and Near Eastern Studies ...
    Lublin, Poland
    Educational level Area of study Specialty Bachelor’s Degree (3 years) Tourism and Hospitality Management ...
    1. University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw
    1. University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw
    Warsaw, Poland
    Areas of study Faculty of Architecture: Architecture Interior design Design Civil Engineering Landscape architecture Faculty ...
    2 University of Cambridge
    2 University of Cambridge
    Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Bachelor’s Studies full-time stu­dies part-time stu­dies Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Architecture Asian and Middle Eastern ...
    3 Imperial College London
    3 Imperial College London
    London, United Kingdom
    Bachelor’s Studies full-time stu­dies part-time stu­dies Biochemistry Biochemistry with French for Science Biochemistry with German ...
    4 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
    4 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
    Zürich, Switzerland
    Bachelor’s Studies Agricultural Science Architecture Biology Chemistry Civil and Environmental Engineering Computer science Environmental Engineering ...
    5 London School of Economics and Political Science
    5 London School of Economics and Political Science
    London, United Kingdom
    Bachelor’s Studies full-time stu­dies part-time stu­dies Accounting and Finance Actuarial Science Anthropology and Law Business ...
    6 University of Amsterdam
    6 University of Amsterdam
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Bachelor’s Studies Economics and Business Engelse taal en cultuur Liberal Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam University ...
    7 King’s College London
    7 King’s College London
    London, United Kingdom
    Bachelor’s Studies full-time stu­dies part-time stu­dies Anatomy, Developmental and Human Biology Ancient History Biochemistry Biomedical ...
    8 University of Lausanne
    8 University of Lausanne
    Lausanne, Switzerland
    Bachelor’s Studies Allemand Anglais Ancient History Archaeology Biology History History of Art Law Linguistics Medicine ...
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Capital: Bucharest
Currency: Romanian leu
Time zone: UTC +02

Main language of study: Romanian (free and paid programs)
Second language of study: English, French, Hungarian, German
Structure of education system: pre-school, elementary (years), secondary, higher education (Bachelor’s program, Master’s program, doctoral studies), postgraduate education
The most popular cities among entrants are: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Brasov


Education in Romania these days is an excellent alternative for getting higher education for most Indian citizens. Reform of the education system to European-like, as well as dynamic modernization of material resources of universities, teaching staff competence development and implementation of modern methods of teaching enabled universities of Romania to prove themselves as potential learning service providers.

To get a higher education diploma for Indians in Romania is possible not only in state universities, but also in private ones, as well as in tertiary schools, academies, colleges and conservatories. It’s worth to remark that this country is distinguished by incredibly beautiful nature, access to sea and favorable climate, which provide the most comfortable living condition for the period of studying.

The most popular fields of study of young Indian specialists in Romanian universities are architecture, art, music, veterinary science and education. Higher education is cost-efficient for the citizens of India, because the government awards scholarships for education of Indian students.

Advantages of education in Romania

  • The education program partially includes teaching in English, which allows to study at least terminology and prepare to advanced training in other country by the time of getting a diploma.
  • Diplomas of European standard are recognized in any country of European Union;
    It is allowed to work for Indians part time during the period of studying and full time during the period of vacation.
  • Working citizens of other countries have an opportunity to choose extramural education programs.
  • Cost of education in Romania is affordable to almost all social groups of Indians and depends on the selected specialization, as well as the level of preparation.

Education in Romania for Indian students

As in any other European university, to enter a Romanian one Indian students need to prove your knowledge of the national language, which is used to conduct classes. Indians can do that by passing a test in one of the language centers or by providing an international certificate, a document about studying in this language before etc. If the level of Romanian is low, Indian students always have an opportunity to take a preparatory course in a university, which is also focused on vocabulary necessary for the education program.

A document enabling to enter a Romanian university is a certificate, which is equivalent to the one obtained by Romanian pupils after graduating from a school, where they study for 12 years. Hence, citizens of India have to provide either a diploma of a local university, or a certificate on completion of 1-2 courses at a university at home.