Where to enter after 11th grade

Where to enter after 11th gradeWhere to enter after grade 11 is a question that almost all schoolchildren begin to ask themselves in the last years of schooling. About how to choose a specialty we discussed in the previous article. In the same speech will go about how to find a suitable institution.

To begin it is necessary with selection of the list of universities and institutes on specialization. Do not forget about the universities of neighboring countries, for example, Poland. After all, good academic performance makes it possible to be among budget employees on a competitive basis even abroad. Well, if the financial capabilities of the family allow training on a fee basis, then even more so.

Then study the feedback of students about these universities, especially about the teaching staff and methodological base. It is better to lose a little on convenience, but it is more effective to spend years of study, rather than vice versa.

The answer to the question “what to do after the 11th grade” is complicated by the fact that different institutions have different conditions for admission to a hospital or correspondence department. Exams or tests can be introduced, the certificate and the results of the UPE can be evaluated. Accordingly, before applying to the university, you need to soberly assess their chances. It will help in this study last year’s recruitment on the specialty of interest, as well as a passing score in the current year.

If the desire to enroll is very large, and the level of knowledge does not hold, then, subject to selection based on the results of entrance examinations, it makes sense to look for a university in which there are preparatory courses.

Very good, if you have the opportunity to visit selected higher education institutions. Not to talk about intuition, but it is still able to significantly facilitate the choice. It is enough to walk along the corridors of the university, sit on the bench, look at the faces of students to understand your place or not.


How to choose a universityHow to choose a university

Having determined the list of establishments in which you have chances to enter, you should go to the next stage – searching for a potential place for training.

This will help the ratings, regularly published by various educational portals, and feedback from employers who hired graduates in recent years. In some occupations, vacancies may be indicated to whom preference is given when employing. Although in general, this paragraph is relevant to the selection of courses for professional development.

Look for information on the network on topics: where from universities introduced new methods, who supports exchange programs, what are the results of student achievement in general and in that spirit. Also, if you have idols in the domestic professional environment, find out more about the person himself. Where he studied, on whose works and ideas he refers, what additional education and where he received. Perhaps this will also give its clues.
If you are a freedom-loving person, then it is worth asking the general policy of the educational institution. Perhaps some internal values or supported ideas will conflict with yours.

But relying on other people’s opinions and advice, remember – to learn to you, and therefore you also decide where to go after grade 11. Sometimes even in an almost dying institution you can find a teacher who will become a guiding star for the whole period of training, and maybe more. And among the new walls and smiling there is nothing to find but emptiness and despondency.

Think with your head, but believe in your heart!

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