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User’s agreement

1. Scope of the agreement:

1.1. This Agreement regulates rights and responsibilities between two parties: Users of Internet-resource KudaPostupat.ua and its Administration (company-owner).
1.2. The applicable revision of the Agreement is at the address kudapostupat.com (kudapostupat.ua) and can be amended anytime by the Administration.
1.3. A new revision of the Agreement becomes effective as from its publishing.
1.4. The User’s responsibility to read and understand requirements for publishing information on website independently becomes effective as from the moment of visiting a website.
1.5. In case of accepting terms of the Agreement, which is proved by pressing “Accept terms of the Agreement” button, the User takes over the responsibility for quality and content of text, photo and video materials, comments published there.
1.6. Some website sections might have restricted or special terms of use (advertising units, ratings, announcements and others), which can be checked by asking the Administrator if an attempt to find information by itself did not end up successfully.
1.7. If the User refuses to fulfill terms of this Agreement, website Administration has the right to forbid publishing information in any form about the User, his services, company and any other information contradicting with the Agreement and applicable Laws.

2. Website use:

2.1. The fact of publishing information on website by the User is a proof of his consent to take over the responsibility for the content of published materials and their effect on those who use them.

2.2. User’s responsibilities:

2.2.1. Use this website with due regard for this Agreement and do not violate the copyright law, as well as other legal norms regarding this sphere.
2.2.2. Do not misrepresent information for the purposes of increasing its uniqueness, in case it is taken from Internet sources.
2.2.3. Provide only reliable information about yourself and your organization, including its services, prices, addresses, location, phones, e-mail addresses, emblems etc. Edit it in case of any amendments.
2.2.4. Follow grammar and spelling rules when writing texts.
2.2.5. Use only one account.
2.2.6. Information about yourself, company and services must be published in special sections. If there is no such section, it is necessary to contact website Administration for clarification.
2.2.7. Follow complete disclosure of the subject; do not publish short versions of articles, news etc. with further redirection to an outside resource.
2.2.8. Publishing of any links to external resources (which are a structural element of this website) is possible only after getting approval from Administration and performing quality control of the link.
2.2.9. Delete information about yourself and your company by itself or inform Administration of such need in case of termination of business specified on website.

2.3. It is forbidden:

2.3.1. Copy information from other resources.
2.3.2. Publish misleading information or information forbidden by the applicable legislation.
2.3.3. Use capital letters in the text, unless it is an abbreviation.
2.3.4. Publish links to websites with malicious software, or inappropriate information.
2.3.5. Publish links, comments and any other advertising materials about earning on the Internet, illegal side jobs for students, including sex work and selling substances banned by the law.
2.3.6. Use a database of e-mail addresses, telephones or other personal information published on website by other Users and Administration for any purposes, including distribution or transfer to the third party.
2.3.7. Publish information about yourself, which includes education for companies working in the following spheres:
— network marketing that requires material investments,
— gambling industry,
— erotic services,
— occulted services,
— stock trading,
— investment business.
2.3.8. Include variation of words and word combinations on the topic of: “Attention”, “Sale”, “Hurry up”, “Only we”, “Unique”, “Best” etc to the headings of published materials.

2.4. User has the right:

2.4.1. Use website materials pursuant to Terms specified in the Agreement.
2.4.2. Publish information about itself or its services on behalf of a legal entity or individual on terms mentioned in this Agreement.
2.4.3. Inform Administration about illegal use of this website or information taken from it.
2.4.4. Leave comments to posts of other Users or ask to delete offensive comments to its own publications.
2.4.5. Delete or change information about itself and published materials.
2.4.6. Make a complaint to Administration against the other User.

2.5. Rights of Administration:

2.5.1. Use e-mail of registered users for bulk mailing of administrative messages.
2.5.2. Use e-mail to sent notifications about new materials on website to subscribed Users.
2.5.3. Transfer any materials and messages to the appropriate section, if Administration thinks that the User has selected an incorrect place of publication.
2.5.4. Delete materials published by the User or comments left without a previous notification in case they contradict with the terms of this Agreement or applicable norms of the legislation of Ukraine.
2.5.5. Block a User’s account if he has violated terms of this Agreement for several times or created an account for the purposes that contradict with the Agreement and applicable legislation in the first place.
2.5.6. Delete information and block accounts of persons and companies that have no relation to the general subject of the website.
2.5.7. Delete information and accounts of persons and companies whose contact information, nature of services, prices, conditions etc have not been verified.
2.5.8. Delete all information about the User in case he has changed the sphere of activities, as a result of which the published information is not valid.
2.5.9. In any time terminate website activity in case of absence of obligations to Users published for publicity purposes.

2.6. Rules of publishing comments:

2.6.1. It is unacceptable to post comments with illegal, obscene, racist, threatening, offensive subtext.
2.6.2. Comments must be posted in compliance with the material.
2.6.3. Text must correspond with the norms of communication accepted for the Internet.
2.6.4. Links, advertising materials, instigation, forcing somebody to do something that is not related to the subject of material under comment are forbidden.

3. Administrator reserves the right:

3.1. Make changes to the structure of website, design, terms of its use.
3.2. Make adjustments to this Agreement on a unilateral basis.
3.3. Change the types of rendered services and their cost, period of validity; Users publishing information on a paid basis will be notified whereof.
3.4. Edit or delete materials published by the User, it there are reasons based on the provisions of this Agreement.
3.5. Use materials of Users published in direct access on website, and publish them on websites of partners with the purpose of traffic acquisition, User promotion and other purposes that do not contradict with the existing norms of the Law of Ukraine.
3.6. Verify information published by the Users by any available method.

4. Administration is NOT responsible for:

4.1. Content of materials published by Users.
4.2. Damage caused as a result of using Website and its information.
4.3. Quality of materials published by Users. Moderation conducted on website is voluntary and it is free initiative of Administration, that’s why it is conducted within the time limits and in the amount favorable for website employees and it is not mandatory.
4.4. Comments of Users about each other, government, situation in the country, on the market of educative services and any other opinions and thoughts published on website.
4.5. Compliance of materials published by Users with the requirements of the legislation, violation of a copyright, use of third party information without authorization etc. Any complaints regarding these issues must be sent directly to the party published the material.
4.6. Direct or indirect losses of Users that have violated third party rights or the Law and punished therefor in the form of penalties or other sanctions. Any disputes relating to this issue shall be resolved by the User without Administration involvement.
4.7. Complete or partial loss of materials by the User through no fault of Administration.

5. Validity of the Agreement:

5.1. This Agreement shall become valid as from the moment the User presses “Accept terms of the Agreement” button.

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