University of Oxford

Oxford universityOxford university is the oldest educational institution in Europe and the second oldest one in the entire world. Historical facts show that lessons have been given there since 1096.

These days the university is a collective institution, which includes colleges and the university itself that consists of research centers, academic and scientific departments, libraries and museums.

There are 44 colleges and although they are autonomous, they are a part of Oxford University in the federal reporting system.

It should be mentioned that the volume of information collected within the walls of Oxford is so huge that it makes the university the biggest library system of Great Britain.

There are lots of advantages of studying in Oxford, but the main of them are a really high level of personnel training in various specializations and the highest prestige status of Oxford diploma, which opens the door to any company around the globe even if you don’t have any work experience.

The fact proving high results of education process and programs is that there are about 120 Olympic winners, 7 poet laureates, 26 Nobel laureates (chemistry, physics, medicine) and over 30 world leaders of present times among graduates of Oxford University.


Fields of study:

— art and humanities

— engineering technology

— social sciences

— clinical, pre-clinical and medical

— business and economics

— physical sciences

— life sciences

— computer science


The strongest specializations among those offered in Oxford are medicine, natural and physical sciences, social sciences and humanities, art. Although it costs a lot to study in Oxford, student support together with employment guarantees due to prestige value of a diploma completely worth the cost.


Type of educational institution:
Type of ownership:
Qualification level:
Oxford OX1 3BD United Kingdom
Phone number:
+44 (0) 1865 288000
The presence of hostels:
Preparatory department:
Postgraduate education:
Availability of double diplomas:
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