Capital: Chisinau
Currency: Moldovan Leu
Time zone: UTC +02
Main language of study: Romanian
Second language of study: English, Russian
Structure of education system: pre-school, elementary (4 years), secondary (7-8 years), higher (4-6 years)
The most popular cities among entrants are: Chisinau, Beltsy, Comrat
The Republic of Moldova is still not a member of the European Union, but it takes active part in the European integration, which has positive effects on the sphere of educational services. These days there are enough state and private universities in the country that are able to accept not only local citizens, but Indian students too.
The most popular education programs offered nowadays by universities and colleges include for Indians: law, economics, medicine, international relations, journalism, IT and architecture. If there is a choice between educational institutions of CIS countries, education in Moldova is quite advantageous one. Despite the low level of prestige value of local universities, the education itself is of high quality and, which is important for many Indian citizens.
Education in Moldova – advantages
- Competition regarding specializations in demand on market is significantly lower than for Indians in India.
- Indian entrants are put forward minimum demands.
- Studying in Moldova is available in three languages, the choice of which depends on your future plans and financial situation.
- Thanks to privileges towards Moldova from EU, Indian students can move around European countries without a visa.
- There is an opportunity to study for free for Indians (student exchange programs, international agreements, studying in Romanian).
- Universities included into the world register issue internationally recognized diplomas that don’t require nostrification.
As for prices, Moldova is ahead of its neighboring countries in this regard. However, it should always be kept in mind that the cost for Indians of one specialization in state and private universities is different, and the prices for training specialists for professions most competitive on the labor market are few times higher.
But in general, even considering the need to rent a place and related expenses, European education in Moldova will cost an Indian student less than anywhere else.