Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is an example of a research university. At the moment the National University of Kyiv is a fully functional scientific training center, the aim of which is to train highly qualified teaching and scientific personnel. Besides, the university has a status of autonomous research national higher educational institution of Ukraine.
Being in the list of the best educational universities of Europe for several times and thanks to scientific achievements of its professor and graduates, the National University of Kyiv is popular even abroad and its diploma is recognized in any country of the world.
The educational institution is also proud of its teaching staff, which amounts to more than 60 members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and in addition 1697 Candidates of Science and 626 Doctors of Science. Not every scientific center can show the same statistics.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is a perfect choice for those who want to be involved in science, those who have something to say to the world and those who want to study its secrets moving lines of unexplored aside. Maintaining close ties with 227 educational and scientific institutions from all over the world, this university is able to offer its students participation in international conferences, internship and conducting of researches abroad, communication with famous scientists of modern times and attending their lectures.
High status and the offered level of preparation led to the fact that nowadays about a thousand of foreign students study in National University of Kyiv and there are English and Russian-language education programs.
Students are also provided with leisure and comfortable living conditions in dormitories. For this purpose they have the entire student camps with its own infrastructure.
Law | Geography |
Sociology | Economics |
Radiophysics | History |
Chemistry | Cybernetics |
Psychology | Mechanical Mathematics |
Physics | Electronics and Computer Systems |
Philosophy | IT |
Training Institutes:
Military | High Technology |
Philology | International Relations |
Geology | Postgraduate Education |
Journalism | State Safety Management |
Scientific Training Center:
Scientific Training Center “Institute of Biology”
Geological Exploratory Techniques | Optical Mechanics |
In addition, National University of Kyiv includes Ukrainian Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, Center of Ukrainian Studies, several museums, information-computing centre, astronomical observatory, publishing house and scientific library.