Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is one of three leading universities of Ukraine and one of top educational institutions of Europe.

These days the university can be proud not only of highly experienced research and educational personnel that includes a big percent of candidates and doctors of science but also well-organized 20 schools of sciences implemented into a learning process, the most relevant subjects among which at the moment are chemistry, physics, mathematics, economics and law.

Victory of young specialists in programming at the World Olympics in 2008 shows an adequate level of preparation at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. They even managed to get ahead of representatives of world-known Princeton and Oxford.

Another advantage of studying at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is close cooperation with many foreign universities, including the ones in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. These are the places where promising students have an opportunity to do an educational internship or continue studying after graduating from a local university. Lots of professors of the university have work experience in higher educational institutions abroad.


At the moment the university structure combines:
– 15 academic councils dealing with doctoral thesis and Ph.D. defense;
– 130 departments;
– faculty of pre-university training;
– institute of postgraduate education;
– 3 colleges;
– 7 scientific research institutes;
– astronomical observatory;
– botanical garden;
– research library;
– 6 museums.


Faculties of:

Biology Philology
Geography Philosophy
Geology Chemistry
Economics Law
Electronics Culture and Arts
Journalism International Relations
Foreign Languages Mechanics and Mathematics
History Applied Mathematics and Informatics


Type of educational institution:
Type of ownership:
Qualification level
Accreditation level:
skilled worker, Junior Specialist, bachelor, specialist, master, PhD, Ph.D
1 Universytetska street Lviv region
Phone number:
+38 (032) 255-39-65
The presence of hostels:
Preparatory department:
UPE training courses:
Postgraduate education:
Availability of double diplomas:
Candidates of Science:
Профессоров и докторов:
Average score of VNO:
Average mark of the certificate of entrants:
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